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Our Vision

Affirm America promotes the restoration of the Founding Spirit of America which has been the bedrock of our society since the beginning.

Our effort includes educational programs, community service projects, voter registration, get out the vote, voter scorecards, participation in civic duties, and other projects for the good of American society.

Affirm America is open to any American citizen who wants to uphold and strengthen the ideals of our nation as established by the Founders.

We believe in the unique value of the founding documents of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution.

We uphold originalist interpretations of the meaning of the Constitution.

We affirm the profound importance of civil sector supports of the Republican form of government, including religion.

We affirm the importance of families as the building blocks of society and the necessity of traditional marriage as the key to family formation.

We affirm the conviction that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are ideals to which all citizens are entitled and universal values which should be promoted to all peoples.

We share a common concern that our basic liberties such as freedom of religion, speech, and expression are threatened as never before and require an urgent response from thoughtful citizens.

We affirm that the liberties we enjoy in America come not from man but from the Author of Life, Our Creator and God.

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